Why are Marjorie Baer Clip Earrings so Comfortable?
clip on Clip on Earrings earrings Made in the USA MB SF

New Take on Pearls from Marjorie Baer

Display your way - Dollar store edition

Out of sight really can mean out of mind. You may never think to wear that pair of earrings you have stored away in a box or a drawer. It is easier to incorporate jewelry into outfits if your jewelry is artfully displayed where you can see it.
Jewelry organizers and displays can be pricey. But there are great DIY options that anyone can put together. One of our favorite places to find materials is a dollar store, because they have lots of fun stuff and it is so easy to experiment with inexpensive components you find there.
Replacement Clip Pads!

Part of the reason our clip earrings are so comfortable is the soft foam clip pads that we add to the clip mechanism to cushion the ear lobe. Over time, they can get a bit squished down. If you'd like to replace worn clip pads with fresh ones you can! We're selling the clip pads we use in sets of 8 for $1. Click here to order!
Sample Sale Saturday June 16th! Flash sale starts June 15th!

Attention all Bay Area friends! Our next sample sale is coming up this month! This time it will be a one day sale Saturday June 16th from 9 am - 5pm. The sample sale is held in our South San Francisco space. We will have a bunch of recently discontinued and overstock pieces including earrings, necklaces, pins and bracelets for you to choose from. Say hi to Marjorie and stock up on your favorite locally made designs. Hope to see you there! And if you not in the Bay area or are unable to make it - our online Flash Sale will start...