Unique jewelry handmade in the US
Unique jewelry handmade in the US
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MBSF Blog — earrings

Our Commitment to Craftsmanship

Cleaning craftsmanship customer service earrings Made in the USA quality values

Our Commitment to Craftsmanship

Marjorie Baer Accessories has always been dedicated to making our jewelry by hand in the United States. This is how we ensure our pieces are lightweight, comfortable, and high quality. 

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Why are Marjorie Baer Clip Earrings so Comfortable?

clip on Clip on Earrings earrings Made in the USA MB SF

Why are Marjorie Baer Clip Earrings so Comfortable?

Marjorie has mastered the art and craft of making comfortable clip earrings. A lot of thought and design goes into making sure that Marjorie Baer clip earrings are comfortable enough to wear all day.

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