MBSF Blog — Cleaning
Our Commitment to Craftsmanship
Cleaning craftsmanship customer service earrings Made in the USA quality values

Marjorie Baer Accessories has always been dedicated to making our jewelry by hand in the United States. This is how we ensure our pieces are lightweight, comfortable, and high quality.
Marjorie Baer Jewelry Cleaning

I was recently contacted by a customer who had a large batch of Marjorie Baer jewelry that needed some spiffing up! Some items simply needed to be cleaned and re-lacquered, others needed some small repairs. When I opened the package this customer sent in, I was blown away by her lovely collection! I decided to take some before and after photos to demonstrate the transformation. Here is the collection before we started the cleaning process: Beautiful pieces - but they do have some tarnish and lacquer problems. After the cleaning process: When we clean an item, we take the lacquer...
Cleaning your Marjorie Baer Jewelry
Cleaning Made in the USA MB SF