Unique jewelry handmade in the US
Unique jewelry handmade in the US
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Save the Date for two amazing Marjorie Baer Sales!

Made in the USA Marjorie Baer Sale MB SF

We've got a couple of exciting events coming up this December that we'd like to announce.  Marjorie Baer Sample Sale The Marjorie Baer Holiday Sample sale is going to be December 12th and 13th - that's Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm. As usual, there will be great deals on a wide variety of Marjorie Baer earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and belts. It's a great opportunity to stock up on gifts for your friends, family, co-workers, and maybe even something for yourself! This sale is held in our South San Francisco office and studio. Marjorie and I will be there...

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Embrace Fall with Copper and Turquoise Jewelry from Marjorie Baer!

Copper and Turquoise Jewelry Copper Jewelry Fall 2015 Made in the USA MB SF

I received a suggestion from a customer that we add some copper and turquoise jewelry to the online store. This customer felt that copper and turquoise together had a great fall look and I couldn't agree more! We didn't have every piece available in copper so we added in some silver too. Here is a selection of items we have available in this gorgeous combination: Click on an image to see more information.     I've also added a lovely clip on earring in copper and a greenish turquoise bead to our sale section for only $35:   I so love receiving this kind of feedback...

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Gorgeous Wire Wrapping for Fall 2015

Clip on Earrings Fall 2015 Made in the USA MB SF New Collection Post Earring Wire Wrapping

I'm so excited that our Fall 2015 pieces are finally up on our online store! I really love this collection - I had so much fun photographing it, writing descriptions, and adding it to our online selections. I especially love the wire wrapped pieces; they have a super fresh yet rich textured look. Its been a lot of fun seeing all the metal color variations on the wire wrapped pieces. The metal color combinations (which metal color is used for the base piece and which for the wire-wrapping) really change the overall feel of the earring.  Wire Wrapped Segmented Oval Earring: I...

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New Fall Arrivals

Bangle Set Clip on Earrings Fall 2015 Made in the USA New Collection Post Earring Wire Earring Wire Wrapping

       I'm excited to show off the latest from Marjorie Baer! This new collection is bold, full of texture, and sprinkled with industrial touches.  The first grouping is a fresh take on Marjorie's signature wire-wrapping technique. The wire-wrapping up to now has been silver wire over a brass piece. This group switches that around and the result is super fresh and bright but with the same richness from the traditional wire-wrapping.  Here are some highlights: This gorgeous Wire Wrapped 5 Piece Bangle Set has so much great texture, both from the hammering and from the neat sections of wire wrapping. ...

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New Design for our Online Store

Feedback Please Made in the USA MB SF New Design

As you can see, we've changed the design of the Marjorie Baer Online store. The site is now easier to view and navigate on your phone or your tablet. The images of the jewelry are also larger and easier to see. Hopefully you all will like and find it easy to use! If you have any issues with the new site please let me know! The categories are all the same but I can help if you can't find what you are looking for. Also please let me know if you have any suggestions for how the site can be improved further....

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